Frequently Asked Questions
What is iMagic Survey Designer?
It's a desktop tool used on Windows for designing, collecting and analyzing survey data.
What do I do if I have a question?
Please visit our support website.
How can I change the default currency setting?
iMagic Survey Designer uses the system's currency setting. To change this to a different currency:
1) Press Start/Settings/Control Panel.
2) Select Regional Options.
3) Select the Currency Tab.
4) Change the Currency Symbol to your currency and click OK.
iMagic Survey Designer will now use your currency.
How much does it cost?
Latest pricing is available by clicking the Buy Now link on the menu.
I'm quite happy with my pencil and paper why should I use a computer?
There are many advantages to using computer software although the main one should always be that it makes your life easier. iMagic Survey Designer makes designing surveys quick and easy - saving you time and effort.
Can iMagic Survey Designer take surveys from my website?
You can upload surveys to our webserver and then link your website to the survey. If you want to host the surveys on your own webserver then you would need the Server Edition.
Can I see an example of the Server Edition?
Yes download the iMagic Survey Designer trial then use the Server Upload feature and select the "SuveyWasp" server. This is identical to the Server Edition.
What support is offered?
Support is available online at our dedicated support website. Questions would normally be answered within 24 hours.
Can I download the software rather than pay for postage?
Yes. After purchase you'll be emailed a link to download the full edition.
What reports are available?
All commonly used reports are available, including cross tallying results. iMagic Survey Designer is also fully compatible with MS Access, so you can extend the functionality from most reporting applications including Microsoft Office Standard 2007, Microsoft Access 2007
and Crystal Reports 10
. You can also export to Excel for even more options.
Is there a limit to the number of surveys/questionnaires that can be entered?
No the only limit is the amount of harddisk space you have.
Is there an annual fee to use the software or can we use it as often as needed for as long as needed once purchased?
No their is no annual fee. After purchase you get 1 year of updates and support included, after that time you can optionally renew for another year for $49.
Once purchased and installed on a computer if the computer crashes can it be reinstalled onto a new computer or will you need to purchase the software again?
Yes you can reinstall the software on another PC without charge.