Who's Using iMagic Survey Designer?
A random list of some of our customers:
Otter Farm & Home Co-operative, BC, Canada
Patterson and Tedford Pediatrics, CA, United States
BETHAC, France
Ship Shape Resources, United Kingdom
VEGA, Denmark
MIP, OH, United States
Central Church, TN, United States
Electrolux, FL, United States
The Pot and Grass Company, United Kingdom
Sharp Research, IL, United States
Island East Tourism Group, PE, Canada
Ultreya CS LLC, AZ, United States
Punj Lloyd Ltd, India
Omnitouch Cyprus Ltd, Cyprus
Bates Not Just Film, Netherlands
Church of Christ, IA, United States
Platinum System, SC, United States
Diocesis de Caguas, Puerto Rico
Pediatric Interim Care Center, WA, United States
British Gymnastics, United Kingdom
Sookmyung Womens University, Republic of Korea
Southern Wine & Spirits of Illinois, IL, United States
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